Priti Patel ramps up pressure over strep outbreak

Published: 7th July 2019 - 7:23 am Category: Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham, who has been closely monitoring the recent outbreak of iGAS (strep) in Mid-Essex, continues to be concerned about the ongoing situation. After another patient suffering with the infection has been confirmed, bringing the number up to 34, with 13 deaths, Priti has been in touch with both the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care, Matt Hancock and Ms Caroline Rassall, the Accountable Officer at the Mid-Essex CCG.

Priti said: “I am appalled by the current situation which has been ongoing for a number of weeks. I have been clear to the Secretary of State that the Department of Health must provide the support to Mid Essex CCG and take action with regard to the situation in mid-Essex and whether the Department is in discussion with Mid-Essex CCG and the Incident Monitoring Team (IMT) about the action taken to investigate this outbreak.  I have asked him to ensure that all appropriate resources are made available to support the CCG in monitoring and controlling this outbreak.

In her engagement with the CCG, Priti has asked for a comprehensive update on the progress of the investigation into the cause of the outbreak, which has yet to be identified. She has also asked for a full list of the control measures introduced to limit the spread of the infection across Essex and for confirmation of the measures that the IMT has introduced and how often it meets to discuss the situation.

Priti said: ”I am incredibly concerned by this situation and I want to be absolutely sure that everything possible is being done to control the outbreak and that there has been no breakdown in communication at any level in the chain dealing with this infection.”

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