Priti Patel MP welcomes new police team for Witham town

Published: 23rd July 2019 - 5:09 am Category: Local News

Witham MP Priti Patel has welcomed the introduction of a dedicated policing team for Witham Town, which will focus on local crime issues. The town team, consisting of two constables, will be one of 23 set up across the County by Essex Police, following additional resources provided to them, that Priti campaigned for and helped secure. The new team begins its work in Witham today (22nd July).

Priti said: “I welcome the increase in visible frontline policing and the new officers covering Witham Town. The area has been affected by crime and anti-social behaviour leaving residents and businesses feeling anxious and I expect this increase in police presence to make a difference. Taking the fight to the criminals who make our communities unsafe is a priority and it is important to the future of Witham that it is a safe place to live and work.”

“I have been working with the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable to secure the funding for these additional policing teams and was pleased to get the Government to agree more money for the police at the last budget. I will continue campaigning for the additional police resources we need to bring offenders to justice.”

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