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Priti Patel with the Barclays community banking team, from left Stuart Pugh - Customer Care Leader, Terry Staff – Regional Director and Ian Lovelock – Community Banking representative

Priti meets up with Barclays to discuss their new community banking initiative at the Witham Hub

Published on 7th April 2022 Published in Local News

Priti Patel, the MP for Witham called in at the Witham Hub on Wednesday 6th April, to meet local representatives of Barclays Bank to discuss their new community banking initiative, which offers three days per week of non-cash banking services for the public in Witham.  These banking sessions, which take …

Priti looks at the widespread deterioration on the mini-roundabout by the Factory Shop.

Priti Patel MP reviews Tiptree’s deteriorating roads

Published on 4th April 2022 Published in Local News

The Member of Parliament for the Witham Constituency, Priti Patel, has reviewed key roads in Tiptree to inspect some of the more dangerous areas where potholes, deteriorating road surfaces and faded markings are causing safety problems for motorists, motorbike riders and cyclists. On Sunday (3rd April) Priti inspected the road …

Priti Patel MP with from left: 3347(2) Chris Dale, Director - Witham Industrial Watch Ltd (WIW) and Managing Director of Dalehire, Adrian Cousins, BID Manager – WIW, Neil Jesse, Director - WIW, Kate Carling, Director – WIW, Valerie Pattenden, Director – WIW, Philip Lawrence, Director - WIW and Director of Baverstocks Ltd and Daren McGrath, Managing Director of Tiptree Patisserie

Priti Patel is guest speaker at Witham Industrial Watch’s first post pandemic business members meeting

Published on 25th March 2022 Published in Local News

Meeting for the first time in more than two years due to the pandemic, Witham Industrial Watch (WIW) has hosted a Business Improvement District (BID) members meeting, at Tiptree Patisserie (25th March 2022). The meeting featured a speech by local MP, Priti Patel, who was invited to talk to members …

2485a - Priti Patel MP from left Dave Smith, Head of Community & Stakeholder Engagement, Eastlight resident, Runyararo Garande and Lauren Brimson, Community Empowerment Officer.

Priti meets up with Eastlight Community Homes to talk about their pioneering All In campaign

Published on 18th February 2022 Published in Local News

The MP for Witham, Priti Patel has been meeting with executives from Eastlight Community Homes, the UK’s largest community led housing association, to discuss their All In community incubator campaign, a pioneering new programme that is establishing resident-led teams who are being paid to spend a year improving the lives …

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