National News

The UK needs a leader who will stand up for Brexit

Category: National News Published: 23rd June 2019 - 8:45 am

Publication: Sunday Telegraph By: Priti Patel Date: 23rd June 2019 In the last three years, the British government and the UK parliament have successfully turned our country into an international laughing stock, humiliated by the EU’s negotiators. Mrs May and her Cabinet are chiefly responsible for this. They claimed to …

Time to make the Tory party Conservative again

Category: National News Published: 30th May 2019 - 12:00 pm

Publication: The Daily Telegraph (London) Byline By: Priti Patel Date: May 30, 2019 Thursday Time to make the Tory party Conservative again; We need a leader who stands for free markets and toughness on crime, not soulless managed decline The Conservative Party is in danger of tearing itself apart and …

If we don’t radically change course on Brexit, the party I love will not survive

Category: National News Published: 22nd May 2019 - 9:26 am

Publication: Byline By: Priti Patel Date: May 17, 2019 Friday 11:29 AM GMT You don’t have to be a political insider to know that Parliament, along with parts of the Government, has colluded in sabotaging Brexit. Voters are witnessing the disintegration of their democratic institutions, business is collectively throwing …

Reinventing freedom, 30 years after the wall

Category: National News Published: 10th May 2019 - 9:57 am

Note: Speech given at the free market road show ‘Europe at the crossroads’ London – 9th May 2019 Introduction “We stand at the crossroads, each minute, each hour, each day, making choices. We choose the thoughts we allow ourselves to think, the passions we allow ourselves to feel, and the …

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